Welcome to
Shri Rajni Parekh Arts,
Shri Keshavlal Bulakhidas Commerce and
Smt. Bhikhuben Chandulal Jalundhwala Science College, Khambhat
(Affiliated to Sardar Patel University)
Student Satisfaction Survey
Because of the lack of technological awareness among majority of our students, we did not have enough success in students’ online survey. Therefore, our institute has adopted the method of offline survey to get the information of the satisfaction received by the students regarding their life on campus. The institute has designed its own feedback mechanism, which is inclusive of the students’ opinions and suggestions about the curricular, co-curricular and other essential needs. As a part of this survey, 10% of last semester/ year students of every department are contacted randomly. Their feedbacks are maintained and evaluated by the respective departments. Towards the end of every academic year, the IQAC arranges meeting with all departmental heads focusing on analysis of the feedbacks, where a list of most significant suggestions is prepared retrospectively. The IQAC forwards the list to the principal with recommendation. The suggestions accepted in the joint meeting of the principal and governing body are executed before the new academic year. And thus the whole process of taking and considering students’ feedback is substantially observed by the institution.